8 min read
AI in Education: AI Literacy. What do schools need to know?
The EU AI Act’s first provisions came into effect this month, including the requirement for schools to ensure the appropriate level of AI literacy...
8 min read
The EU AI Act’s first provisions came into effect this month, including the requirement for schools to ensure the appropriate level of AI literacy...
7 min read
Imagine that schools started using interactive avatars of their teachers, who looked, behaved and sounded just like them. What are the opportunities,...
6 min read
School finance teams are prime targets for cybercriminals because of the sensitive data and large financial transactions they handle. Schools...
6 min read
Happy International Privacy Day! A day which is celebrated globally by raising awareness and promoting best practice for privacy and data protection....
5 min read
We have spent hundreds of hours working with individuals and departments mapping data processes in line with data protection compliance (EU GDPR Art....
3 min read
In 2019, 71% of organisations experienced malware activity that spread from one employee to another. In 2020, that number fell to 60%, its lowest of...
2 min read
"We've been hacked!" These are the dreaded words which no school staff wants to hear from their IT department. Yet many schools around the world...
3 min read
Schools today are increasingly targeted by cyber attackers who use sophisticated methods to breach networks and steal or manipulate sensitive data. A...
3 min read
Data protection regulations differ across the globe, with some regions lacking regulations while others have more prescribed legislation and...
5 min read
New technology has changed the way we communicate. Instant messaging makes sharing information easy, which is one reason mobile apps including...
2 min read
Risk management is an important component of the governance regime of a school, yet for many schools, there is a struggle to operationalise it. Many...
2 min read
In the modern educational landscape, the importance of robust cyber security cannot be overstated. Schools are custodians of sensitive data, from...
2 min read
In the digital age, cyber security training in schools is not just an option but a necessity. With the increasing use of technology in education,...
3 min read
Schools are reliant on technology to manage educational resources, student information, and administrative functions. With this dependency comes the...