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Academy LMS

Our AI Pathway offers 20+ courses across four levels (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Specialist) with videos, quizzes, and certificates awarded upon successful completion. The pathway fosters ethical and responsible AI use in school operations, covering introductory through to specialist topics like AI in safeguarding, cybersecurity, risk management and privacy. It builds confidence and competence across all staff roles and helps school leaders embed good governance, policy alignment, and digital safety practices.

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Academy LMS
Trusted by over 300 organisations worldwide.
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Training & professional development. 

Academy LMS enables schools to enrol individual staff members or entire groups in comprehensive training courses, modules, and assessments, featuring in-built quizzes and certificates. 

Our AI Pathway is your school's learning partner for AI ethics and governance. With over 20 differentiated course levels you can enrol staff in an Introductory course to AI, then for those staff with a greater responsibility, enrol them in Intermediate and Advanced courses. There’s also specialist courses for AI in Safeguarding, Child Protection and Technology.

Schools can subscribe to learning pathways in AI, Privacy, Cyber, Tech Operations and Risk Management. Alternatively, schools can purchase courses on a per person and a per course basis.

training education

Here's a glimpse at the content

Data protection

Other Training Programmes

Privacy Academy

The Privacy Academy comprises eight modules, held monthly, facilitating deep dives into crucial areas such as leadership, incident management, and policy development. 

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Tech Academy

Tech Academy 2024/25 offers three specialised streams to enhance school IT teams' skills in security and operations.

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Interested to learn more?

Fill in the form below for more information or to book time with our team for a product demo.